Applied Training (November 2, 2021)

We’ve added a NEW! Applied Training component to the Forum this year. This FULL day of training will take place on Nov 2nd. It is targeted specifically to operations staff of 4Rs stations, Waste Transfer Sites, Waste Disposal Grounds, and/or recycling facilities. The training is being organized by Randy Webber, technical consultant to Manitoba’s PROs, and will include:

  • Handling and Transportation of Dangerous Goods – This training session will cover regulatory requirements for operators and staff handling certain products and materials
  • 4Rs Material Packing Demonstration and Training – Participants will travel by bus to Tervita/Secure Energy for demonstrations and hands-on training on how to safely and efficiently pack materials like Electronics, Lead Acid Batteries, Oil and Antifreeze products, and paint, fluorescent lightbulbs and Household Hazardous Waste
  • For Remote First Nation attendees, a session will be held on developing Load Plans and there will be an opportunity to discuss transportation challenges of winter road backhaul.


**There will only be a limited number of spaces available for this training so make sure to register your people asap! Registrants will be accepted on a first come, first serve basis.

Registration fee: MARR member = $145/person; Non-member = $165/person

The 2021 MARR Forum is now completely SOLD OUT.